We provide a wide range of services to ensure successful implementation of your TK Pro® safety permitting solution.  These services include business process definition (BPD), software requirements definition (SRD), data migration, customized form/tag development and detailed training in support of the TK Pro® safety permitting program designed to increase efficiency in creating all of your safety permits to help you meet your safety requirements.

Business Process Definition

One of the essential elements for a successful implementation is to first determine the exact requirements of the safety permitting processes: (i.e. Lockout Tagout (LOTO), Hot Work and Confined Space Permitting, etc.) for your facility. To ensure full understanding of the “end-to-end” requirements we will utilize a process that addresses the essential elements of the TK Pro® implementation: business process definition, software requirements definition, company specific configuration of TK Pro®, data importing/merging, backup operation, installation, training and support.  This interactive workshop provides a clear understanding of the desired “end state” and helps to establish clear expectations.

Business Process Definition (BPD) – This is accomplished by the Stillwell Support Team (SST) using our interactive workshop in concert with your “team” during a joint review of all safety procedures; i.e. Lockout Tagout (LOTO), Hot Work and Confined Space Permitting, etc., pertinent documentation, forms, and “best practices” in use throughout your company/facility. This effort culminates in a Software Requirements Document (SRD). The SRD is compared with the present functionality of TK Pro® to the company’s business processes to ensure that the application is aligned to meet all your safety requirements.

Software Requirements Definition (SRD) – The SRD will be developed as part of the interactive BPD workshop. This is a critical document that will ensure that compliance and conformity of the company’s business processes are documented. The SRD is the basis for aligning the company’s configuration to the TK Pro® application.


We understand the importance of keeping your data consistent and standardized across systems. There are several “key” areas of data that we work with our clients to capture and reuse:

Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) – Our team can import the equipment list from your CMMS system into TK Pro®, reducing the need for manual data entry and providing consistency between systems. Using the same “language” between the CMMS and TK Pro® will ensure accuracy, efficiencies and most importantly improve safety when using an automated safety permit; i.e. LOTO.

Lockout Tagout Standards – We find that a great deal of our customers have Lockout Tagout “standards” that are housed in electronic format (i.e. Excel Spreadsheets, Computerized LOTO systems, etc. ). We are able to migrate this data into TK Pro® which saves countless hours of data entry, specifically capturing all the associated isolation points and helps to use current LOTO standards as standards [templates] in TK Pro®.

Safety Permitting Form/Tags Development

We provide a full suite of services to develop all the forms, tags. etc. that are or will be used as part of the safety permitting processes (i.e. Lockout Tagout (LOTO), Hot Work and Confined Space Permitting, etc).  The forms, tags, etc. will be developed in Crystal Reports for use in the application. Additionally, we have “best practices” safety permitting forms, tags, etc. that we can share with our clients to achieve the desired outputs as part of their designated end state.


Our team of our installation engineers will work on-site or via the web to install TK Pro®, set up printers and make sure the system works as expected and satisfies all your needs.


We provide TK Pro® training that can be conducted on-site training or via the WEB.  The on-site training can include formal classroom presentation followed by hands on operation of the system. Both on-site or WEB based TK Pro® training sessions can be geared towards Supervisor, Operators or Administrators. The “type” of  TK Pro® will be established with the client to ensure we maximize training for successful utilization of the TK Pro® application.  To aid with training, we will have an available comprehensive TK Pro® system manual which includes step-by-step screen shot instructions on how to use the system.

Ongoing Support

We provide system support via phone, email or our website. We pride ourselves in offering outstanding support to our clients. All updates to the system are provided at no additional cost as per our TK Pro® maintenance agreement.